Brown McAllister (WA) Pty Ltd
Product Categories
TASKS AND FEES Introduction
Consulting Rates (Hourly)
Green Title Surveys - Existing Title
Green Title Surveys - New Title Subdivisions
Green Title Surveys - New Title Subdivision - Broad Acre Subdivisions
Strata Title Survey - Strata Subdivisions
General Minor Surveys

Current Category
General Minor Surveys


It is evident from this research that Practitioners offer a very wide range of professional services to their Clients, including:


Practitioners report that feature and level surveys are usually done for design purpose before any building activity commences on a normal suburban lot. This task would include:

·          Levels on an assumed datum

·          A 10 metre grid covering an area from the kerb to the perimeter of the lot

·          Location of improvements in the verge and within the lot

·          Location of major trees

·          A short report and sketch plan to the client

·          Examination of the title and survey plan

·          A report on the same to the client

Research findings indicate that generally the task does not include the following:

·          Connection to the cadastre

·          Remark of the lot corners

·          Connection to AHD (Australian Height Datum)

It is evident from this research that many Practitioners negotiate a fee from $450 upwards with additional professional services between done at hourly rates.

Practitioners report that when both a feature survey and a re-survey are undertaken at the one time, an economy factor of 10 – 15% in the clients favour is usually applied.


Research findings indicate that this component can cause come misinterpretation between Clients and Practitioners. Practitioners report that where ‘stand by’ or travelling is required to be part of a task, negotiations often lead to the application of a rare 80% of the fully hourly rate for the task work. It is evident from this research that clarity and openness of negotiation and recording of agreements are a key to a sound professional relationship.


The relationship between a Licensed Surveyor and their client is a unique one governed by the Licensed Surveyors Act in addition to the norms of skill, prudence, ethics and accountability. Only a Licensed Surveyor can provide that ‘what’ and ‘where’ in addition to the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of your land.

It is evident from this research that Licensed Surveyors provide a very high level of service and security to their Clients land holdings. Thus any assessment of their service and fees will, when taking into account the value of the Clients land, prove to be an extraordinary value for money, often less than 1% of the land value!




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